Monday, January 31, 2011

Trying to Please Others

A master and his disciple were traveling across India with their donkey.

When they got to the first town on their journey-a small farming community, the people were upset, saying-"Look at this young man-not allowing his older companion to ride the donkey!  How inconsiderate of him!  Times surely have changed for the worse and few respect their elders anymore..."

Ashamed, the young man helped his master onto the donkey.

As they approached the next stop, a large city, the people in the market scoffed at them.  "Look at that old man!  Making that young man walk while he rides on the donkey!  How arrogant that old man must be!"

They both got onto the donkey, and approached the third stop on their destination.  "Look at these cruel people, making that poor donkey bear the weight of both of them!"  The townspeople scoffed.

So they both got off of the donkey and proceeded to walk to their final destination.  "Look at these fools!  Walking when they have a perfectly good donkey!"

Having had enough, the disciple asked the master what to do.  The master smiled and said, "Young one, this has been a lesson for you.  For no matter what you do, you'll never please everyone, nor should you ever try.  Be yourself, not what others want you to be.”

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